
About 𝓔𝓿𝓸Concepts

This page “𝓔𝓿𝓸Concepts” allows you to search any concept or meaning, by typing an English word in the search box △ above.

For every selected concept (sense1), the column #neighbours counts and lists the various meanings that are dialexified with it (sense2). For example, (click to expand) the concept easy has 81 semantic neighbours, i.e. it is dialexified with 81 other concepts (simple, light, fast…).

The default examples presented below ▽ illustrate the principle by listing the most productive concepts among the 30,000+ that are featured in our database, i.e. the ones with the most neighbours in our database.
By clicking on the column heads, you can rank the list based on which concepts are linked to the greatest number of #etyma on 𝓔𝓿𝓸Sem; or which concepts have the greatest number of translations (#words) in our database.

For each concept chosen (leftmost column), you can click on a number and view the list of neighbours, etyma, or words, associated with that source concept. Incidentally, this means that you can also use 𝓔𝓿𝓸Concepts as a worldwide etymological dictionary (through #etyma), or as a multilingual lexicon (through #words).

In the column neighbours, under every given source concept (sense1), every neighbour (sense2) can also be expanded, to display the list of etyma that dialexify these two senses 1 and 2. The number of etyma for every pair of concepts constitutes the “dialexification score” (δ delta) of that pair; neighbours are ranked according to that score.

For example, in the picture above (click on screenshot to open it in a new tab), we see that among the 81 semantic neighbours of the source concept easy, the fourth one (with δ=4) is cheap. Clicking on that word displays the 4 etyma that dialexify the pair of concepts easycheap: e.g. Proto-Indo-European *péh₂u-ros, etc.

Every etymon cited – either under #etyma or under #neighbours – can be clicked to access its etymograph.

This page “𝓔𝓿𝓸Concepts” allows you to search any concept or meaning, by typing an English word in the search box △ above.